RandomCommenter410 Channel
RandomCommenter410 Joined: Dec 22, 2023 Subscribers: 6 Video Views: 1,253 Channel Views: 80
wellcome to the channel where all the adults go and cry, mainly ether parodys, or uploads of lost rodfellows content, and shitposts, all with the promise of being consistantly inconsistant.

why do i have to exist?

also known as "mr R" by my stalkers and a literal child by a man who stares blankly at a fourm for 8 hours a day, that he didnt even make, and isnt paid to moderate.
Videos (82)
Recent Activity
RandomCommenter410 rodfellows news?:known terminally online user chronic999 talks about how rodfellows are evil, while painting his friends as good. despite contrary evidence that his side is also kinda terrible (LILBONKBOY is/was a wannabe edge-lord, jason faked some texts, etc), all the while with broken English while adding nothing new, in other words, he hasn't changed a bit and is still terminally online thinking using his youtube like a twitter to call everybody pedophiles is a great use of his time. (1 week ago)
RandomCommenter410 oh no, ScrAtFAn2004 the child preator defender is trying to boycot me for making a parody, is he really this mentaly screwed up? find out soon! (3 weeks ago)
RandomCommenter410 the 5th hells gate had to be opened early, sorry for the convience. (1 month ago)
RandomCommenter410 the reuploads are tame now, but don't worry, they will get worse (1 month ago)
RandomCommenter410 time to destroy your eyes forever (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (2)
Flyer952 (2 weeks ago)
Tbh, I'm honestly glad you told off the whole KiwiFarms peeps. After doing long, hard reads of that last comment ya posted there? I frankly have no choice but to agree at this point, considering most of those people (myself included, regrettably), haven't contributed to jack-shit.
iloveyou0 (8 months ago)
hi sub back
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