SHIELDGhost's Channel
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Johnny Sparkle
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Aug 10, 2023
Hello every body. I am Ghost from Earth 75. I served with Nick Adams and Nick Fury at SHIELD HQ. THAN FUCKING SPIDERMAN AND DR.STRANGE FUCKED UP THE MULTIVERSE! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!

Oh and Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller 24
University of Barack Obama
Hmm lets. I like collecting My Little Pony toys and I have a man crush on Josh Martin(he's a Barney performer).
When I came to this universe I watched The Dial of Destiny, Elemental and The Little Mermaid Reboot
I liked The My Little Pony Manga in my universe
Recent Activity
SHIELDGhost became friends with TheDirector (3 weeks ago)
SHIELDGhost became friends with SuperChrisChristie (3 months ago)
SHIELDGhost commented on a video (6 months ago)
DarkHorse ☞ Jeffrey Dahmer Trolls...
This fruity bastard is gonna lose his voice.
SHIELDGhost became friends with AltRightGaming (9 months ago)
SHIELDGhost became friends with GhostTAR (11 months ago)
Channel Comments (191)
PlumbingCapitalist (9 months ago) And I'll shoot you in the damn knee caps if you tried, you piece of crap!
CowboyCapitalist (9 months ago) Yeah fucking right! I bet you're some fat in the ass autist still living with their parents you piece of shit! I'd leave you in a puddle of your own blood and piss, boi! Liz Cheney ain't running, and the GOP is a joke! What the fuck is Wish and the Marvels? I don't keep up with that crap! But they probably bombed because they suck! That stupid shit you're spewing sounds like your stupid ass is on crack, but this is coming from some tard that thinks he's from another universe!
BlackKKK4Life (9 months ago) BLACK KKK 4 LIFE!
PlumbingCapitalist (9 months ago) I'll surrender my guns from my cold dead hands you fucking goddamn tard fruitbowl fake Ghost piece of shit! Fuck the goddamn feds, they won't do fucking shit! ReverendCapitalist is a God fearing man and you just hate him because you're a feminist piece of shit! Yeah, women should be acquainted with kitchen appliances instead of bitching and moaning about their so called reproductive rights!
CowboyCapitalist (9 months ago) Yeah, who cares about fucking Harambe? Rock Ape was a member of the inner circle, boi! She's not going to be President, and I didn't participate in January 6th! AND I'M NOT A RUSSIAN EITHER, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, I HATE RUSKIES! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE NOT SAYING THAT SHIT TO MY FACE, BOI!
ReverendCapitalist (9 months ago) You better stop making fun of rock ape before Satan rapes you with a pitch fork once you die! REPENT!
CowboyCapitalist (10 months ago) I don't care if you reply or not, you fucking piece of crap fake Ghost! I'd much rather you don't, boi! Trump is a cancer and he's giving people cancer due to that vaccine! AND HOW FUCKING DARE YOU BASH ROCK APE! HE WAS AN INNER CIRCLE MEMBER THAT DIED OF CANCER YOU HEARTLESS PRICK! YOU FOR SURE ARE NOT THE REAL FUCKING GHOST! We're fucked with all the fucking candidates, and fuck Liz Cheney, and fuck that Ezra Miller fruitbowl you assholes are obsessed with!
14AR15sRule88 (10 months ago) Is that what you want to do to me, Frank, are you a faggot?!
ReverendCapitalist (10 months ago) How dare you call me something you are you satanic brony! I have a wife, but you are into little boys likely! BECAUSE YOU ARE SATANIC! You will be in hell being raped by Satan with a pitch fork! I am done with Christie now! BUT YOU SHOULD REPENT TO GOD!
MusicGirlYuzu (10 months ago) Fuck no!!!
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