PlumbingCapitalist's Channel
PlumbingCapitalist Joined: Jun 17, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 901
Age: 31
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (79)
SuperChrisChristie (1 week ago)
You better vote for Kamala or Christie use hocus pocus magic and turn toilet into monster. Maybe Christie use hocus pocus magic to have toilets attack Gunrange and Mechanic Capitalists. They make damage to earth and children. Oh well, Christie in mood for nuggies.
MechanicCapitalist (1 week ago)
MAGA is basically Russia simps at this point! Look at dumbasses like Tim Pool! Ghost is a republican, and well all know it! He is good on foreign policy, and fuck the wimps saying "Oh, we don't need war" WE NEED WORLD WAR 3! No, we need Blinken himself! Fuck Russia and it's simps! Cucker and Tim Pool belong in Russia and you're right, I was drinking when I made that statement! Something these tards trolling us don't do!
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (2 weeks ago)
Goshiro (3 weeks ago)
Why are you obsess with my dick, fag?
Yoji (3 weeks ago)
Do you have a brother named Luigi?
MechanicCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
When they lose, it's because of Trump! That's MAGA for you! They're full of contradictions! That's the truth, Ghost is a republican and we all know it! Anthony Blinken is good for foreign policy! I hope Ukraine takes Moscow because FUCK RUSSIA! I'd love to see that too! Cozying up to dictators is why Trump should never be president again! Cucker going to Russia would be good for us! Fuck Cucker the Ukraine simp!
MechanicCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
I agree they're losing! They have no principles, they bash blacks, but then worship idiots like Tim Scott! Ghost is a republican and those who say he isn't are MAGA cultists! I agree that Anthony Blinken is good for foreign policy! Just like I hope Ukraine takes Moscow! Trump would no doubt cozy up to dictators! We do need to do that! His name is Cucker, and yes he needs to go to Russia! They likely are vaxxed!
ShadowMan (3 weeks ago)
Ya know what's ironic is that your Ghost dictator was a gamer at one point. What now Super Mario?
ShibaSan (3 weeks ago)
Let's see you dodge a Bob-Omb explosion, Super Mario.
ShadowMan (3 weeks ago)
Go back to the Mushroom Kingdom Super Mario. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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