TheEpicRob's Channel
Joined: Aug 06, 2017
Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 79
Video Views: 3,355 Channel Views: 797
Age: 30
Good stuff here
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
TheEpicRob became friends with MusicAndAntiques64 (6 years ago) | ||
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) my first [MAD] video
amaze |
TheEpicRob became friends with 8TracksMusicMan648 (6 years ago) | ||
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) vidly poop - yes 2
used my mr bison |
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) funny singing red guy
good struyf c |
Channel Comments (27)
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Hey how are you today?
TheEpicRob (7 years ago)
you can comment on this????
Lazlo319 (7 years ago)
Elu (7 years ago)
thanks you are cool too :)
marshmarity (7 years ago)
its this program where we call like on the phone but on the computer, you just need a mic, and my dads laptop he gave me has one :D
marshmarity (7 years ago)
hey, you seem cool, wanna add me on skype and chill?
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Cool. Mine's Knuckles.
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Oh cool. Who is your favorite Sonic character?
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Cool and yes I've seen Darth Vader in the movie. He's cool and badass. :)
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Cool same here. What's your favorite Star Wars film?
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