TheEpicRob's Channel
Joined: Aug 06, 2017
Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 79
Video Views: 3,355 Channel Views: 797
Age: 30
Good stuff here
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
TheEpicRob became friends with MusicAndAntiques64 (6 years ago) | ||
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) my first [MAD] video
amaze |
TheEpicRob became friends with 8TracksMusicMan648 (6 years ago) | ||
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) vidly poop - yes 2
used my mr bison |
TheEpicRob commented on a video (6 years ago) funny singing red guy
good struyf c |
Channel Comments (27)
4dojo (7 years ago)
yayz. You're alive. We need you around for the next smash bros. How ya been?
4dojo (7 years ago)
hey rob. You still around?
4dojo (7 years ago)
Yay. I found ROB. I just started using him in smash bros recently. He's pretty good.
PeligrosoReformado (7 years ago)
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Hey how are you?
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Oh ok. I recommend the older ones, but that's just my opinion. My favorite one is Resident Evil 2. :)
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
That's good. Do you like the Resident Evil series?
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
No problem. How are you today?
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Yep. You're close to 20 Subscribers. You've joined in a few days and have close to 20 subscribers already, that's a big accomplishment. Congratulations.
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Oh ok. I'm so happy. I just reached 75 subscribers. :)
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