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TheGoodPerson commented on a video (1 year ago) vidlii users when they cant have cp
Bro doesn't have his kiddies |
Channel Comments (5)
vidliisucksass3334 (1 year ago)
@YTPMaker69420 youre right pinoshit.
my dick is getting food from smaller
think again, retard
my dick is getting food from smaller
think again, retard
LolwutPear (1 year ago)
@vidliisucksass3334 I can see your dick is getting smaller
vidliisucksass3334 (1 year ago)
i can see your nose getting longer
i can see your nose getting longer
TheGoodPerson (1 year ago)
@YTPMaker69420 I didn't say that.
LolwutPear (1 year ago)
You hating white people is discriminating
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