TheRealAlesterWick's Channel
TheRealAlesterWick Joined: Jan 14, 2020 Last Sign In: 4 years ago Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 92
Age: 110
Country: Afghanistan
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Channel Comments (3)
lemonboy1111 (4 years ago)
huh? so ur really skid? um....why go through the use of tricking people like that? me and kleiner-jay did have alot of issues in the past
whatsheldon (4 years ago)
@realalesterwick Learn how to hack, skid. You know nothing. Why don't you vc on discord ??? We'll talk it out on Discord???
whatsheldon (4 years ago)
LMFAO i know you're the fake alester. But this is fucking hilarious, even though the real alester cant hack shit.
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