TitanusBlueTrennis's Channel
TitanusBlueTrennis Joined: May 28, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 6
Age: 24
Just A Regular 20 Year Old Guy Here Who Used To Make Stop Motion Toy Dinosaur Movies But Doesn't Anymore.
Country: United States
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A Dinosaur Story part 1/25 From: HoopsAndDinoMan
Views: 877
Comments: 3
Favorites (1)
A Dinosaur Story part 1/25
A Dinosaur Story part 1/25 6 years ago
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TitanusBlueTrennis favorited a video (1 year ago)
A Dinosaur Story part 1/25
Original upload date: October 5, 2008 The first part of our first feature-length movie, A Dinosaur Story. The movie opens with Noasaurus, who no...
TitanusBlueTrennis commented on a video (1 year ago)
A Dinosaur Story part 1/25
@HoopsAndDinoMan Will You Ever Make A Remake Of A Dinosaur Story And Another Dinosaur Story As Well?
TitanusBlueTrennis commented on a video (1 year ago)
A Dinosaur Story part 1/25
Will You Ever Make A Remake Of A Dinosaur Story And Another Dinosaur Story As Well?
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