WilsonAnderson20000's Channel
Jack Beaumont
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May 25, 2024
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3 months ago
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WilsonAnderson20000 VidLii uploading shit is broken again... So instead, I will upload my videos to my MeWe account when VidLii uploading system will get fixed as soon as possible (3 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 commented on a video (3 months ago)
Autistic North Vietnamese nigger De...
@doctorwiggleworm Do me a favor and fuck off. You're the one who should do homework, not any assholes. I also mentioned that you are the worst person...
WilsonAnderson20000 Fuck you VidLii for doing shit not letting me comment in (3 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 VidLii is drunk or something for not letting me comment in (3 months ago)
WilsonAnderson20000 Can you just let me comment already VidLii you keep say that (3 months ago)
Channel Comments (490)
jordanhoward1105 (2 weeks ago) Bitch ass nigga.
JosephMitchell (2 months ago) FUCK ME SO MUCH FOR LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

selenamitchell1105 (2 months ago) "Still not mentioning one of the Selena Mitchell allies and that's final"

STFU you liar.
kanghoang1105 (2 months ago) "Kang Hoang will cease harass once I will retire for good without make any single videos out of the people I hate, and I will be done plagiarizing off Selena Mitchell allies' stuffs and vaguely messing with people for no reason, and for this, I'm giving up trolling and plagiarizing stuff for good"

You really expect me to cease trolling you after everything you've done to me and the rest of the Selena Mitchell allies? Fucking no, you're still mentioning us to this day. Now STFU already, you cunt
selenamitchell1105 (2 months ago) "Kang Hoang will cease harass once I will retire for good without make any single videos out of the people I hate, and I will be done plagiarizing off Selena Mitchell allies' stuffs and vaguely messing with people for no reason, and for this, I'm giving up trolling and plagiarizing stuff for good"

Says the autistic GoFag nigger who still mentions me and my allies to this day. I demand your autistic Vietnamese ass to STFU about us already, or else go fuck Lazy James Bonchano in the ass.
heinrichaubock2001 (2 months ago) "I don't care about James Bonchano, Broit Caesar, Giovass Pablo, Heinrich Aubock, Magnus Baumbach and the other darkside and lightside I hate anymore"

Do not mention me, stupid chicken. Autistic nigger who has sex with Eva Marmot on her 15th Birthday.

Your just lying about retiring from the war when you still mention your haters on your YouTube community crap.
broitcaesar2002 (2 months ago) "I don't care about James Bonchano, Broit Caesar, Giovass Pablo, Heinrich Aubock, Magnus Baumbach and the other darkside and lightside I hate anymore"

Ur secretly spying on us during your "hoax" retirement, fucking shithead.

Go fuck Eva Marmot in the arse on her 15th Birthday, stupid Autistic nigger.
giovasspablo1999 (2 months ago) "I don't care about James Bonchano, Broit Caesar, Giovass Pablo, Heinrich Aubock, Magnus Baumbach and the other darkside and lightside I hate anymore"

Says the Autistic brainless nigger who used all of us into believing that you retire from the war when you're clearly faking it.

Lying nigger/.
giovasspablo1999 (2 months ago) "And Don't ever let some darkside include James Bonchano put me into his FlashThemes video out of me again during of my retirement plans, because I would like to say I am saying bye bye to the war not to vaguely attack people I admit to be for the kind of the treatment, I still going to be here, Selena Mitchell allies, James Bonchano, Broit Caesar and Giovass Pablo will be happy about this for me of retiring from the war on July 4, 2024"

Ur faking your retirement, lying Autistic shithead.
broitcaesar2002 (2 months ago) "And Don't ever let some darkside include James Bonchano put me into his FlashThemes video out of me again during of my retirement plans, because I would like to say I am saying bye bye to the war not to vaguely attack people I admit to be for the kind of the treatment, I still going to be here, Selena Mitchell allies, James Bonchano, Broit Caesar and Giovass Pablo will be happy about this for me of retiring from the war on July 4, 2024"

STFU, Autistic lying nigger twat.
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