Zackie the Zoroark 🇺🇸
ZackietheZoroark Joined: Mar 19, 2024 Last Sign In: 1 hour ago Subscribers: 6 Video Views: 701 Channel Views: 790
Age: 19
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
ZackietheZoroark Final adjustments to my look on FlashThemes. (1 hour ago)
ZackietheZoroark VidLii is seriously out of their damn minds right now. For they removed every single of my recent uploads. Even my birthday videos on Coronado Shelbert and a certain sockpuppet mother of Eva Marmot. Are they all mind-controlled or something? (6 days ago)
ZackietheZoroark For all I know, Shabert Cronano is a Mr. Bean look-alike because of his Comedy World avatar. (1 month ago)
ZackietheZoroark After 8 months, It's about time the Chris Bonchano allies have discovered me. (1 month ago)
ZackietheZoroark There are some people on the internet who claim that fictional characters are real when they don't exist. (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (30)
ZackietheZoroark (1 hour ago)
Final adjustments to my look on FlashThemes.
ZackietheZoroark (6 days ago)
VidLii is seriously out of their damn minds right now. For they removed every single of my recent uploads. Even my birthday videos on Coronado Shelbert and a certain sockpuppet mother of Eva Marmot.

Are they all mind-controlled or something?
ZackietheZoroark (1 month ago)
For all I know, Shabert Cronano is a Mr. Bean look-alike because of his Comedy World avatar.
ZackietheZoroark (1 month ago)
After 8 months have passed, It's about time that the Chris Bonchano allies discovered me.
ZackietheZoroark (2 months ago)
Birthdays we're assigned to ruin by July (PART 2):

1. Kai Morris (Sock by Eva Marmot)' one by the 19th of July.

2. Eva Marmot's so-called grandfather/grandpa's one by the 25th of July.

And 3. Shabert Cronano's one by the 26th of July.
ZackietheZoroark (2 months ago)
Birthdays we're assigned to ruin by July (PART 1):

1. Eva Marmot the Romanian Karen noob's one by the 2nd of July.

2. Adrian Zamora (Sock by Eva Marmot)'s one by the 4th of July (Independence Day).

3. François Absolon and Rosa Absolon (Copycat sock by Eva Marmot)'s ones by the 14th of July.

4. Najim Ahmed (Sock by Eva Marmot)'s one by the 18th of July.
ZackietheZoroark (2 months ago)
So far, I've never uploaded a non-birthday (USER) video yet.

Might soon start making those when I feel like it.
ZackietheZoroark (3 months ago)
Eva Marmot is nothing but an annoying Romanian bitch with no life at all.

At least to say that I never became friends with her since I joined social media 7 months after her betrayal.
ZackietheZoroark (3 months ago)
Birthdays we're assigned to ruin by June (PART 2):

Doris Harrison (Impostor of Caillou's mother/Sock by Eva Marmot)'s one by the 23rd of June.

Paul Stoolie the Johnny Test look-alike's one by the 26th of June.

Mike Bonchano and Layla Dawn (Sock by Eva Marmot)'s ones by the 29th of June.
ZackietheZoroark (3 months ago)
Birthdays we're assigned to ruin by June (PART 1):

Darien Cromwell's one by the 2nd of June.

Christopher Badenov 🇷🇺 (Christopher Henderson 🇬🇧)'s one by the 5th of June.

Lucas Bonchano's one by the 8th of June.

Michael Stiffarm the Sir Topham Hatt look-alike's one by the 11th of June.

James Bonchano's one by the 14th of June.

Anthony Leong (Sock by Eva Marmot)'s one by the 15th of June.

Gérard Dufort 🇫🇷's one by the 20th of June.
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