i like white paper, white milk and the cloud
luna1 Joined: Jul 04, 2024 Last Sign In: 2 weeks ago Subscribers: 45 Channel Views: 220
Age: 15
to those who think like a white person you are white
period. black are erratic confused and paranoia lol
most times that why some lie often and cant reason.
black and white should get along no mixing..
no interracial porn or marriage.. just talk
like dog and cat. they cant mix alright. racist.
Country: Austria
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This is what happens to nazi "boys" From: epicsauce2020
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easypass (1 week ago)
derodero are working together.. with jtal kyonyuu3 anyone that think alike.
gossip. trolling, not a friend. he nag for attention. ask fallconn about me.
commi (1 week ago)
Humanity is overrated
yes, the humanity is overrated. full of corrupt idiots, only the strong have the right to live. JULY 17, 2024 - Video is back and so is the channel
You make sense idiot cant lead, idiot lead by idiot is corruption.
lune (2 weeks ago)
we live in a shit world where the few control many it call cops law the system the majority 99 percent are slave who has no power..
princess0 (3 weeks ago)
We are working on the captcha situation
lemonboy1111 (1 month ago)
lol not to worry. I just can't stand people who compare act like they're still starting dramas. it's like they never see that person's potential or something
Fallconn01234567890a (1 month ago)
i am 100 percent mentally retarded i am held back by others who cant think
i use 100 percent of my brain capacity most time it is tiring stressful.
SuperAutisticlol (1 month ago)
host error
server overload
502 not found
vidlii need fixing lolwut is noob
princess0 (1 month ago)
kyonyuu cant handle free speech he is sensitive like a baby..
insult hurt him and he sure swear a lot when i have an opinion.
a hypocrite. i tolerate his insult while he dont. a cruel, arrogant bully.
luna0 (1 month ago)
lune (1 month ago)
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