The Future is for Tourists
rubystarboard Joined: Jan 15, 2023 Subscribers: 1 Channel Views: 52
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Channel Comments (47)
rubystarboard (1 year ago)
There is a synthesis of irrational numbers which gives rise to intergers.

Which, through congruence with other intergers, they can not replicate.

They do so, subjectively and seem to hold for a time of limited duration.

By means of an axis we can fix them, limitedly, by their rise and fall.
rubystarboard (1 year ago)
The congruence of intergers I have called the 2nd order.

And, from the point of view of mortal beings, the synthesis of irrational numbers I have called the 3rd order.

The 1st order contains both and has, often, the appearance of chaos and seeks solutions in infinities.

The real solution to it's condition is in the synthesis.

However, the 2nd order, and the axis poses all solutions, limitedly, within its own frame.
rubystarboard (1 year ago)
The One retains simplicity, as does the void, the complex retains the synthesis of the Compounds.

Thus spirit remains singular and thebody remains a through going but the intelligence a semblance of parts.
rubystarboard (1 year ago)
The combination of solid forms of the flat mirrors has it's counter form in the branching of the fluid mirror.

The multiplicity exists because the compounds exist.

The fluid state facilitates the reversals of the position of the compound parts.

For the flat state of relations this requires a change of gears.

But for the fluid state it is simply a flowering of the difference between the compounds.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
LLL: This Difference was compounded each time it was taken back into the One as Identity and simultaneously re-emerged as Difference.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
As Nothing was different to the One Identity itself became Difference.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
L: Between the One and itself Identity was Nothing.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
H: Beware of "deprogramming" that is really just the inversion of of some part, or all, of your past programming.

J: Beware of courses of Normalisation of the division between an us and a they.

K: Beware of both of these taking place simultaneously with regards to your trauma.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
U: This Quantified/Analogue type duality is of one and the same Medium, conceivably it is the same as the distinction between the transparent and the reflective.

The Medium finding itself active in proportion to the synthesised or the compounded states respectively.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
I: While Mind is the bearing over the quantified, solid states of reflection between the mirror and "itself" that presides over "forms" Spirit is fundamentally the same substance of Identity as it exists "over"/subject to the fluid state(s) of the mirror substance.

Spirit "grounds" the "unalloyed" "form"/state of the medium, as it exists closest to the Self "free" from the internalisations of Otherness.
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