The Future is for Tourists
rubystarboard Joined: Jan 15, 2023 Subscribers: 1 Channel Views: 52
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rubystarboard (2 years ago)
II: For the purpose of considering Free Will we consider the relationship between the necessary Difference and the contingent course of change(s) as being pivoted through some necessary differentiation of Identity itself.

Identifying with the Difference (the moment of otherness), with the medium (the accumulated sense of context) or finally with their sense of self (as different from the otherness and central to the sense of context/the medium).
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
A:Identity (especially mathematical identity/equality) influences the ongoing process of change we experience.

B:We experience change through the existence of some real Difference which is fundamental to all change.

C:The relationship between Equality and Difference is developed through a Medium.

(Our existences are specific instances/incarnations of this medium)
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
1.The persistence of identity and the mechanism through which the medium stays in contact with itself alongside and processing it's transformations is the essential drive of the intellect towards its resolutions (it's self-contact is the fundamental form of all craft).

2.The relationship between fundamental Difference and this Drive IS the production through a medium of a relationship between Identity and Difference.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
3.Resolving the difference between Identity and Difference is accomplished through the presence of a Medium.

4.The Medium, blending into itself to a point of being imperceptible, with neither the glint reflected from a source of light nor the turbid veil of foam, but invisibly between, and the two, one, identity with the other, becoming through the difference, self.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
5.Resolution of the difference (between Identity and Difference) is a synthesis of Identity, Difference & The Medium.

This synthesis of the 3 achieves the differentiation of the unified medium.

6.In the synthesis, each of the 3 is capable of exerting influence over the whole, with Identity, Difference & The Medium all appearing as manifest aspects of the Whole.

7.The Differentiation of the Unity appears as the manifest, complexly interrelated parts of a Whole.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
Outwardly ripples on a surface of water, inwardly a sinking stone of self awareness and its will to resurface.

Our experiences of Difference and our experience of differences in the medium are in contact, while the the medium's contact with itself is a continuum and dialectical processing of its own differences, as they relate to both its identity with itself and Difference as something fundamental.

It's identity is how it relates to itself, this self-relating is the seed of the continuum.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
The existence of difference precedes the unity of the medium of our experience and the differences we experience through contact with that medium.

Identity, rather than Difference, tethers the reigns of that medium. Tethered through contact with itself, the medium is transformed but reflects its own transformations within itself.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
The living mirror from empty aether through fluid to solid forms.
Along a wave from arm to arm, then crystalized to number, hinging straight line upon straight line.

Through this activity and it's conjunctions in space the Zero-Dimensional point accumulates mass and extension in space.

Arched parallel to itself on either side of the point, perhaps in full circle to the center, the mirror breaches the 'infinite' array of relations and opens the way for the production of solid/flat states.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
The Mercurial and The Rational.

The Dionysian & The Apollonian.

The "infinite" alongside the world of forms.

The shape of the ribbon of mirror as it reflects the light of the One.


Is through the analogue becoming, arriving at that, which by intuition comes to exist, as if from the ether.

Yet knowing of self constraint to the form, through the 'finite' by proportion, as not self, under 'It-ness'

Giving Itness to the form of the being, constrained, yet, to become.
rubystarboard (2 years ago)
Emerging from intention. Self awareness.
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