Sofia Florina
sofiaflorina's Channel
Sofia Florina
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Jun 05, 2022
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9 hours ago
Ah, thank you for visiting my VidLii channel ^_^ Be nice and let's be my friend!

I am Sofia Florina (ソフィア・フロリナ), an artist, activist, content creator, non-binary and dreamer. I come from Indonesia and currently I still live in Indonesia. I make quite many things.

I have many interests in various fields, especially in history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, economy, internet, linguistics, art and music. I like to learn many things because for me it's good to know many things. More knowledge makes me wiser.

I have many hobbies but the hobbies I make most often are reading, writing, listening to music and learning languages. Sometimes I do drawing (I have many unpublished drawings) and watching retro anime and film. I shouldn't write about reading and writing as a hobby, but considering that there are still many people who rarely read and write, it's better if I write these two things as my hobby so that people know.

There is no way I won't be active on the internet unless there is no internet network, no electricity, my smartphone is damaged or death. I grew up with the internet.

My physical appearance, if you want to know about it, is not that great especially because I have scoliosis but I am fighting it. I hope that my scoliosis can reduce, it actually makes me tired easily and of course it hurts my back. I also have an overbite and I want to correct it later and all I know is that it's not cheap. I'm not beautiful either but I'm trying to be beautiful. My height is 5'3" (161 cm).

Let's add me as your friend, I am an open person and very welcoming, I am friends with anyone who wants to be friends with me. I have many dreams and ideas to share and to realize. Be my friend because I'm so friendly and soft. It's hard to make friends now so if you want to be my friend then be friends with me. Please always be nice with me! VidLii is one of my safe places on the internet. Stay connected with the internet! Thank you!
Student and Content Creator
Indonesia Open University
Many things
Many genres but really love city pop and future funk
Subscribers (3)
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Channel Comments (2)
sofiaflorina (9 hours ago) J'aime mes journaux parce qu'ils sont mes archives personnelles de sentiments et de pensées, ils sont très précieux, vraiment.
sofiaflorina (7 months ago) I changed the name/title of many of my social networks which were previously "Sofia Rina" to "Sofia Florina". Using full name is better. However, there are some social networks that I haven't changed like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. I will change them later.
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