trophy30144's Channel
trophy30144 Joined: Jun 12, 2019 Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 41 Channel Views: 335
Age: 26
Country: Afghanistan
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trophy30144 commented on a video (5 years ago)
my ultimate shitpost
trophy30144 became friends with trophylover (5 years ago)
Channel Comments (29)
goru (1 month ago)
kyonyuu3 is as lazy shit never do much
cant even talk for 5 min
go raging like the beast he is..
i cringe. lack manner and respect.
luna1 (1 month ago)
@kyonyuu plz dont nag me idc
go play with doremi okay
i dont like unhappy user it drain me like a vampire
fuckmehardbaby (1 month ago)
it is time to talk to lolwut and sillylaird about you who refuse to respect me it call free speech why do you get personal and rage so much?
iloveyou0 (2 months ago)
@kyonyuu3 i am trophylover and trophy30144 in 2019
i forget pass..]
still serve it purpose a reminder i was here
who side are you on
are you racist or fucked.. race mix crap by jewry brainwashed..
lolhuh0 (2 months ago)
@kyonyuu3 who do you define as white negro asian huh and mix race.
fuckmewhite7xxxlolxx (2 months ago)
open mind..
free thinker..
not afraid of insult
not afraid of hater..
fear itself is a virus and a killer on all.
fuckbitview (2 months ago)
some alt get more page view wonder why .. this get the most.. that why sturmgeist189 want to know my pass and close it never trust stranger. he was a troll.
easypass (2 months ago)
fuckbitview (3 months ago)
about sturmgeist189 he is a stupid fuck haha most who come to usa rarely leave
in china most leave and hardly anone come to china. it the other way. usa is better.
fairy0 (4 months ago)
@mulashka76 kiss you. lovely.
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