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ANTIFASlayer Joined: Sep 02, 2023 Last Sign In: 16 hours ago Subscribers: 28 Channel Views: 569
Age: 43
Greetings ladies and gents (fuck you leftists). I am the brother of RINOHunter, and I slay ANTIFA thugs that like to attack police officers and burn down cities. And I am a proud supporter of the SnyderVerse. I shall boycott James Gunn's new DCU for he is an employee of Disney here to sabotage DC.

And also fuck any big corporation/studio exec that thinks its okay to shit on the fans (looking at you Seth Rogen, James Gunn). The fans are the ones that buy toys and movie tickets, w/o them YOU ALL ARE NOTHING!!!
Country: Canada
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Jake Long Talks From: RINOHunter
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Jake Long Talks
Jake Long Talks 1 year ago
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ANTIFASlayer commented on a video (5 days ago)
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I like to be in your video. Maybe my army buddy can be in it too. He's gonna use Zuwijo Zwil Velgear from Go Rush. And don't worry, he's not a liberal...
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Channel Comments (96)
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
You stupid MAGA idiots call everyone that don't like Trump RINOs! So being called a RINO from you dumbasses should be considered a compliment! Tommy Tuberville is an idiot MAGA moron, but I do agree wokeness doesn't belong in the military! But you can blame fucking anime for turning people woke and trans! I know you dumbasses claim Ghost makes people trans, but it's anime instead! But speaking of the military, we need to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Either she has low standards or you have low standards on bitches if she's dating some chubby fuck! I wouldn't be surprised if she got the fucking jab like you, boi! A decade? I dunno how old this guy is, but this bitch better not be underage! STOP CALLING US CRAPITALISTS YOU SOCIALIST PIECE OF SHIT! CosmeticsCapitalist hates Paul Ryan you stupid Trump MAGA asshole! Ghost ain't a sellout, he's the underground! And fuck you, Ghost ain't going on no CNN!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago)
If you watched his show, you'd know he hates Kasich and found out about Kasich's homosexual lover! Being fiscally conservative doesn't mean you're a RINO, you piece of manchild shit! Ghost just doesn't like how the republicans of today are like the democrats of 2008! No one is a fucking republican anymore, and Trump is for sure not that! Same with the stupid freedom caucass!
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
DC and Marvel are of the devil and so is the Joker movie that's for incels and is very devilish! Ghost is respected and you don't even see it! Ghost is the reason the inner circle are as profitable and successful as they are! They are NOT my family, they are my friends! I am not a Lincoln Project member, and I hate those riff raff trolls! I am NOT a RINO, I just think no republican is good anymore! REPENT TO GOD!
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
Ghost is not voting anyone for President! Ghost hates Trump because of the devil vaccine that's the mark of the antichrist! Ghost has respect in Texas, you just don't know him, he is a businessman! Cucker Carlson is a grifter and Joe Rogan is a liberal filthy degenerate for wanting Bernie as President! REPENT TO GOD AND GROW UP! THE BIBLE SAID WHEN YOU BECOME A MAN, YOU PUT THE WAYS OF YOUR CHILDHOOD BEHIND YOU!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
He still made the jabs and praised them you stupid jabbed puto! Funny you say that, Trump increased the debt more than in Obama in one term, you stupid dumbass puto! Gas won't go down with Trump! Maybe instead of the lotto, maybe use that money to invest in stocks! GamblingCrapitalist? Stupid socialist piece of shit! GamblingCapitalist takes a maximum amount of cash to gamble as a hobby! Of course, you're a 42 year old man into comic book movies and netflix! Fuck that, I'd rather read a book!
HipHopCapitalist (1 year ago)
You lucky you ain't sayin dat to my face bitch nigga! Ghost is de underground, so who cares how many viewers he got? Das just proof how stupid de American public is! Ghost gets tens of thousands of listeners throughout de world, stupid dumbazz! But even den, if more people watch dat den Ghost, das just proof how stupid American society is! And is yo azz a socialist, dumbass bitch nigga? Why you bashin capitalism bitch azz nerd nigga?
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Yeah, of course you would, you fucking manchild loser. Women shouldn't be in charge of anything, and that's also why I don't believe they should have the right to kill the unborn! And what if the choice fucks people up like doing hard drugs? I have no fucking damn idea who this Gilford is, but he's likely some beta male soy boy! I bet that girl is likely fat in the ass and has cellulite! There you go with the socialist crap again! CosmeticsCapitalist is no doubt prettier than her, you manchild!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Doesn't fucking excuse the fact that Trump is the reason those stupid dumbass vaccines were made in the first place! And the fact Trump told people to get that stupid poison is why I will never fucking forgive him! You're one to say I live in a fantasy land when you watch stupid dumbass Justice League movies, you manchild puto! And fuck you, you're just saying I'm a RINO because I'm anti Trump and don't like any republican aren't you? Well guess what I'm still republican!
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
Ghost is not a sellout! All of the republicans running are sellouts! We are not voting Joe, we are leaving the presidency blank! I have enough money for gas and ammo, I'm a capitalist unlike you! Not all of us are family, and how dare you mock capitalism, you socialist piece of filth! REPENT TO GOD! You will suffer in HELL!
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