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CosmeticsCapitalist's Channel
CosmeticsCapitalist Joined: Jun 26, 2022 Subscribers: 6 Channel Views: 3,031
Age: 28
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (365)
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
As a proud alphamale, I support repealing the second amendment. Innocent kids are dying.

If you are voting for Biden over Trump, join my group F.A.G. We will welcome you with open arms. BTW, you should divorce your POS husband and date me, Nick Adams s proud Alphamale and conservative avenger.
Kazemaru (1 year ago)
Ya voted for Biden.
Jubei (1 year ago)
Dumb Karen.
Kibano (1 year ago)
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Oh wow that is very racist. You are the reason why me, Nick AdamsAlt and The Lincoln Project are voting for Democrats. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T MAGA EXTREMIST FRUITLOOPS LIKE YOU ASSHOLE CRAPITALISTS!!!
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Krispy Kreme probably knew about Epstein too!
14AR15sRule88 (1 year ago)
When you go to fuckin' jail, for harassing people, you're not gonna get any fuckin' Marlboros or any fuckin' beer. Do you got that, you stupid son of a bitch?!
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
You know that's the best part about the internet, you can be anything you want. Did you know I'm a wealthy Hollywood producer that partied with Spielberg and George Lucas?
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Listen here you dumb broad, HE IS NOT MENTALLY ILL!!! HE IS A VICTIM OF THE RACIST CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM!!! THE SYSTEM IS VERY RACIST WE NEED TO DESTROY IT! And John Fetterman is a lot more conservative than Chris Christie because you know why? He freed a lot of blacks from prison. We need to free more minorities from prison to defeat white supremacy.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Yeah, you're about as attractive as Amy Schumer, feel bad forever has to wake up to that face every morning. 😋
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