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GamblingCapitalist's Channel
GamblingCapitalist Joined: Jun 25, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 2,653
Age: 59
Country: United States
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GamblingCapitalist became friends with CowgirlCapitalist (4 months ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with CountryboyCapitalist (4 months ago)
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GamblingCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with BikerCapitalist (2 years ago)
Channel Comments (380)
Yusuke (1 year ago)
Yoshimasa (1 year ago)
Chris Christie is a democrap.
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago)
I don't like when you do that, dad! But you're right, they are likely spoiled rotten brats! I know gaming is a waste of money, 60 bucks to blow on one fucking video game! You could have a relatively nice dinner for that much money! I know they love little anime girls! I bet a majority if not all of them do still live with their parents! It wouldn't surprise me too much if those losers were to do a school shooting later, because they're fucking weirdos!
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago)
They probably are so doped up on psychotropic drugs, they don't realize anime is for fucking pedos! I fucking hate styx, he's a sick fuck, and they probably do like jerking off to that four eyed nerd styx! We were making money in the stock market when Obama was in office, why couldn't those losers? And no doubt they voted for Obama, they're likely lying their asses off saying they didn't vote!
Yoshimasa (1 year ago)
Oh you voted for Biden.
Chiyome (1 year ago)
At least I am not in a wheelchair, you dumb retarded cripple. ;D
Kotaro (1 year ago)
We're going to watch him and you're going to like it.
Aya (1 year ago)
God needs to move in your life
BailBondsmanFred (1 year ago)
You prick...
FrankGarrett (1 year ago)
Oh, yew goddamn shtupid shon of a bitch, yew!
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