Amy Martin 🇬🇧
amymartin1105's Channel
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Apr 20, 2024
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amymartin1105 Alessandro Muto's stupidity is also the main reason why I'm planning to retire from the war in the future. Not just only James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock), but him too. As well as his Autistic Vietnamese son Wilson Anderson. (21 hours ago)
amymartin1105 Alessandro Muto will forever be hated. This Italian mafia father of Wilson Anderson has ruined EVERYTHING for me, all by including me on one of his already-deleted shitty Wrapper Offline videos out of a certain sock of Jim Harino, leading the latter to make false relationship allegations about us back in 2023 of October, and even slandering me continually. I should've never befriended this Italian mafia in the first place since 2019. (21 hours ago)
amymartin1105 became friends with ryansingh1105 (2 days ago)
amymartin1105 became friends with kalynababich1105 (2 days ago)
amymartin1105 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (3 days ago)
Channel Comments (220)
amymartin1105 (21 hours ago) Alessandro Muto's stupidity is also the main reason why I'm planning to retire from the war in the future.

Not just only James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock), but him too. As well as his Autistic Vietnamese son Wilson Anderson.
amymartin1105 (21 hours ago) Alessandro Muto will forever be hated.

This Italian mafia father of Wilson Anderson has ruined EVERYTHING for me, all by including me on one of his already-deleted shitty Wrapper Offline videos out of a certain sock of Jim Harino, leading the latter to make false relationship allegations about us back in 2023 of October, and even slandering me continually.

I should've never befriended this Italian mafia in the first place since 2019.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) Alessandro Muto and Fatass Michael Stiffarm broke up with their lovers Sally Compia and McKinley Pasteris just to go and have threesome with their new girlfriend Jim Harino together.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) can STFU for bringing his June 2021 relationship rumors about me and my younger sister.

We aren't the girlfriends of each other and that's final!
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) It's funny enough for how Stewart Cronano and his minions once plagiarized off Jim Harino's fake ass Bonchano and Cronano sibling accounts.

I bet Jim Harino will reject befriending them due to that.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) All of the Bonchano, Shelbert and Cronano are all fake siblings by Jim Harino whose stole Sally Compia from her Italian mafia boyfriend Alessandro Muto.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) brought back his June 2021 incident like a sibling dating lover he is.

You already know who I'm referring to.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) James Bonchano should have gay sex with his boyfriend Michael Bonchano in the bed.

They aren't even brothers I know, they are just fake ass nigger socks by Jim Harino the Vyond thief sucking Fatass Michael Stiffarm's cock.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) Jim Harino illegally steals my Vyond videos on his already-terminated Darien Cromwell account on YouTube before since 2020 to 2021.

Not just only mine, but other people's too.
amymartin1105 (1 week ago) Everytime you steal FlashThemes videos from Jim Harino and his socks (Take James Bonchano for an example), they will just keep complaining and talking too much shits about that website.

Well, they deserved to get their videos stolen anyways. Especially Darien Cromwell whose Jim uses that account to illegally steal my Vyond videos back in 2020-2021. This is what happens when Jim uses that fake ass Shakespeare account to vaguely steal my Vyond videos everytime I made them in the past.
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