amymartin2323's Channel
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Recent Activity
amymartin2323 James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) must be secretly bringing the same false relationship rumors about me the whole time. He is now accusing me of dating my associates even more whenever he mentions me on his crappy comments/videos out of them. (22 hours ago)
amymartin2323 Are the Jim Harino allies (including James Bonchano) seriously done treating me and my associates to be different nowadays? I only said since they never stop accusing me of creating sock accounts nonstop. (22 hours ago)
amymartin2323 It seems like the Jim Harino allies aren't calling us "the Amy Martin allies" anymore. Well IDC anyways, they know nothing about our ally group name and they should deal with that. Oh wait! I already disbanded this shitty ass group for good because I'm done leading them for good anyways. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sarahmurphy1105 (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 day ago)
Channel Comments (122)
amymartin2323 (22 hours ago) James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) must be secretly bringing the same false relationship rumors about me the whole time.

He is now accusing me of dating my associates even more whenever he mentions me on his crappy comments/videos out of them.
amymartin2323 (22 hours ago) Are the Jim Harino allies (including James Bonchano) seriously done treating me and my associates to be different nowadays?

I only said since they never stop accusing me of creating sock accounts nonstop.
amymartin2323 (1 day ago) It seems like the Jim Harino allies aren't calling us "the Amy Martin allies" anymore.

Well IDC anyways, they know nothing about our ally group name and they should deal with that. Oh wait! I already disbanded this shitty ass group for good because I'm done leading them for good anyways.
amymartin2323 (1 day ago) Everytime, my companions go after Jim Harino or any of his socks (including James Bonchano), they would always keep saying "Amy Martin sock" nor "Amy Martin sockpuppet nigger" to them nonstop.

He can't even come up with something else rather than wasting his life mentioning me in every single comments/videos out of my comrades nonstop.
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) And another thing is that I was never around in 2017. In fact, I was never always active in the Internet last decade that much.
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) I'm saying this for real, I AM retiring from the war in the future anytime soon.

Because if I DO stick to being in the war, then things will get even more uglier and worse, so there is no way that I would ever change my mind.
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) If only I never was chosen to be the leader of that group that no longer exists anymore since January 2020 in the first place...
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) I've been giving up being the leader of the Selena Mitchell allies for the 3rd times in a row. On June 2021, August 2022 and June of this year.

But this time, I DID permanently quit leading them for real this time. And I swear, I will never give this another chance ever again because if I do, then I would continue getting harassed nonstop by making even more lies about me. So the decision was already decided and that's it.
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) Why can't these people EVER stop pricking on me already?

I'm fed up with them harassing me over and over again nonstop. This is the good reason why I permanently quit being the leader of the Selena Mitchell allies for good. I'm sick of them minding our former group name and falsely claiming to go after the associates of mine while they wasted their harassing me nonstop like a bunch of pedophiles/teleiophiles they are.
amymartin2323 (1 week ago) I might consider retiring from the war soon.

I can't stand those idiots harassing me over and over again nonstop anymore. These false allegations against me are taking way too far.
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