i like white paper, white milk and the cloud
luna1 Joined: Jul 04, 2024 Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 45 Channel Views: 233
Age: 15
to those who think like a white person you are white
period. black are erratic confused and paranoia lol
most times that why some lie often and cant reason.
black and white should get along no mixing..
no interracial porn or marriage.. just talk
like dog and cat. they cant mix alright. racist.
Country: Austria
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sexual (1 month ago)
i use to be gay not anymore
that was long ago when i was a baby.
shinto (1 month ago)
bye kyonyuu3 you are a useless person a maggot cancer on all
toxic as trashcan
utter crap
fuckmewhite7xxxlolxx (1 month ago)
@sayonarasammy anime weeb anime fan anime otaku anime fetish anime fapper x
SayonaraSammy (1 month ago)
Crush Samantha in the trash compactor. Vaporize Samantha with a ray gun. Kick old Samantha down the stairs. Feed Samantha to alligators. Slice Samantha with a katana.
SayonaraSammy (1 month ago)
Kill Samantha. Behead Samantha. Roundhouse kick Samantha into the concrete. Slam dunk Samantha into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Samantha. Defecate in Samantha food. Launch Smantha into the sun. Stir fry Samantha in a wok. Toss Samantha into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Samantha gas tank. Judo throw Samantha into a wood chipper. Twist Samantha heads off. Report Samantha to the IRS. Karate chop Samantha in half. Curb stomp pregnant Samantha. Trap Samantha in quicksand.
luna1 (1 month ago)
i love white pure clean as toilet paper cloud and innocent.
Stormgeist189natural (1 month ago)
27 (1 month ago)
peach loves birds and so should you
subscribe0 (1 month ago)
4dojo has been sucking the cock of iloveanime721 for 7 years gay lol
Fallconn (1 month ago)
i didn't even comment iloveanime721, ever. not even ONCE lol. da fuck
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