i like white paper, white milk and the cloud
luna1 Joined: Jul 04, 2024 Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 45 Channel Views: 232
Age: 15
to those who think like a white person you are white
period. black are erratic confused and paranoia lol
most times that why some lie often and cant reason.
black and white should get along no mixing..
no interracial porn or marriage.. just talk
like dog and cat. they cant mix alright. racist.
Country: Austria
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lolhuh0 (1 month ago)
reciprocate /rĭ-sĭp′rə-kāt″/
intransitive verb

To give or take mutually; interchange.
"The friends reciprocated favors."
To show, feel, or give in response or return.
"They opened their hearts to her, and she reciprocated their affection."
To give and take something mutually.
lolhuh0 (1 month ago)
vl is a shithole i log in for 5 min a day that it im outta here
jtal is pathetic. whine like a cry baby blame others for his rage fit.
luna1 (1 month ago)
@fallconn this site is too boring for me to give a fuck anymore
the less time i spend the better
like 5 min a day..
Sturmgeist189 (2 months ago)
goru (2 months ago)
racist is godly or good. remain pure..
SayonaraSammy (2 months ago)
do you sit when you pee too?
4dojo (2 months ago)
I actually love it when you give shout outs to my channel on other people's channels. It's like free publicity for me when you post a link to my channel everywhere. I hope that you keep doing it. 👍
copium1448 (2 months ago)
go outside instead of gooning to muh heckin' SUPER NINTENDO MARIO FEMALE CHARACTERS, everyone knows all of the tranimecucks with the peach pfp is your alternative account. go find a rope and hang yourself you fucking retarded 4cuck ragebait NIGGER
burger (2 months ago)
lea andrews i know where you live
princess0 (2 months ago)
spam me
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