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CowboyCapitalist's Channel
CowboyCapitalist Joined: Jun 26, 2022 Subscribers: 3 Channel Views: 1,215
Age: 33
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (101)
Yasubei (4 months ago)
*Stands on top of a building and pisses on your head*
AlexisTheActivist (5 months ago)
When Nick Adams is president we are gonna regulate the cow farts on your farm. They are responsible for climate Armageddon. Comply or die!
Basara (5 months ago)
You have a death wish boy!
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (5 months ago)
Fugg kew
GhostsPetWeasel (9 months ago)
Joe Biden is also endorsed by Robert De Niro. Ooohhh did you know in my universe Robert De Niro was governor of Ontario. Oh yeah in my universe NYS is a part of Ontario and guess what? Its bigger than dumb TexASS!!! Ha ha ha! Fuck your COWBOYS AND WE'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR GUNS AND USE YOUR RANCH TO FILM A SEX SCENE BETWEEN REVEREND CAPITALIST AND BARACK OBAMA. Its for a show Ghost, James Gunn and Peter Safran are producing.
14AR15sRule88 (9 months ago)
Boy are you a fuckin' piece of work you motherfucker, I'm gonna enjoy pressing charges on your ass.
GhostsPetWeasel (9 months ago)
Greg Abbot probably beats his wife. I hope on Joe Biden's second term they take your guns away. YOU ARE DONE KILLING SCHOOL CHILDREN MISTER!!! AND VOTE 4 JOE BIDEN HE IS ENDORSED BY MARK HAMILL AKA LUKE SKYWALKER!!! If you don't then you're a fascist milky way licker.
Ruka (10 months ago)
Well be glad y'all aren't this guy
Ruka (10 months ago)
Little bastard!
GhostsPetWeasel (10 months ago)
🎵🎵Fuck you, Texas fuck your lone star state. Come to California where we have abortion rights and men in tights. In Texas you can arrested for being Hispanic. In California we shoplift big
box stores to fight white supremacy. So fuck Texas you're a white supremist state. Come to Cali and have a party with Weasel and The Suicide Squad at the girls locker room at Planet Fitness.🎵🎵

Hope you like my song.
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