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PlumbingCapitalist's Channel
PlumbingCapitalist Joined: Jun 17, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,051
Age: 31
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (92)
MechanicCapitalist (1 year ago)
Hell yes they would! They're a bunch of cowardly pieces of shit! At least we'd be happy to fight for our country! THOSE ASSHOLES WHO DON'T WANT TO FIGHT ARE UNAMERICAN PIECES OF CRAP!
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
We're done with Ezra. And The Flash sucks ass! I want that Black Superman movie by JJ Abrams and Ta'Nishi Coates to come out. I WANT IT TO PISS OFF ALL YOU WHITE NATIONALISTS KKK BOOGER EATERS. And how can I be drafted boi! I'm not from this universe. You'll be the one worrying about getting a grenade up your ass while me and Nick AdamsAlt play GTA and drink Bud Light to your demise.
Goromaru (1 year ago)
Sorry Mario, but your princess is in another castle.
Goromaru (1 year ago)
MechanicCapitalist (1 year ago)
I know that! All these idiots wouldn't say any of that to our face!
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
We're done with Ezra Miller. He wants to go back to being a straight white male. Probably doesn't want to go to jail for all those crimes he committed. AMERICA IS SUCH A RACIST COUNTRY!!! But John Kasich is gonna be our VP. With John Kasich in the white house, your mail will be delivered on time.
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Me and my crew have changed our minds. We are now supporting John Kasich (who's father was a mailman) as our VP. Ezra said he can't do it due to rehab. But he wishes us luck on taking down Putin and The MAGA Movement for making The Flash bomb @ the box office. Ya'll hurt an LGBTQIA+Hambone icon!
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
You should vote Republican. Do it for Luigi and Princess Peach.
Takamaru (1 year ago)
Where's Luigi?
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Boi! You better surrender your guns or else I'll take that plunger and shove it up your ass!!!
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