amymartin2323's Channel
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amymartin2323 James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) must be secretly bringing the same false relationship rumors about me the whole time. He is now accusing me of dating my associates even more whenever he mentions me on his crappy comments/videos out of them. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 Are the Jim Harino allies (including James Bonchano) seriously done treating me and my associates to be different nowadays? I only said since they never stop accusing me of creating sock accounts nonstop. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 It seems like the Jim Harino allies aren't calling us "the Amy Martin allies" anymore. Well IDC anyways, they know nothing about our ally group name and they should deal with that. Oh wait! I already disbanded this shitty ass group for good because I'm done leading them for good anyways. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sarahmurphy1105 (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 day ago)
Channel Comments (122)
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) If you think that I created the dark side accounts, then why bother making this shitty video out of them, you sock by Jim Harino the hypocrite?
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) You know what grinds my gears?

Jim Harino treating people and their allies to be different person, but he unfairly treats me and my comrades to be the same person saying that I was the only sockpuppeter. He also claims that I created sock accounts, yet he is still harassing them.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino is starting to become EVEN MORE WORSE than Wilson Anderson (Alesandro Muto's Autistic son).

Since he never stops using his James Bonchano to keep slandering me over and over again nonstop by falsely accusing me of creating sock accounts and thinking that I support the Autistic nigger himself and Eva Marmot when I fucking DON'T!

I can't stand him anymore. After all, he is the most biggest false assumption maker in this entire world.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Whoever thinks that I've sided with Wilson Anderson and Eva Marmot is a big fat liar.

In fact, I hated BOTH OF THEM for what they have done to me and my comrades. ESPECIALLY for plagiarizing off our stuffs.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino and his socks' stupidity is the reason why they keep being called lazy nonstop since March 2023.

By making the same shitty false relationship rumors about me dating some 20 years old retired user (You already know who) nonstop, causing my friends to betray the latter and other some long brown haired guy's allies, causing 3 former friends of mine to betray us and other people they used to friend with and several other stuffs whom I couldn't list to mention.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino and his socks always get triggered whenever someone calls them lazy.

Jim and his socks are the fucking same themselves since they called them lazy too.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino uses his Michael Bonchano account to call me lazy in the first fucking nigger place since November 2021.

He shouldn't be the one to talk. He LITERALLY called me that first.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino always wastes his life making every single user/FlashThemes videos out of me nonstop.

All he does is to use all of the female clips he uses on me instead of other female users. He also treats me like that I'm the only female in this world.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) What is even worse is that Jim Harino used his Pedro Bernhard account to make fun of Trump's failed assassination attempt, proving that he is a fucking sick in the head for doing that.

He is Jack Black, Mark Hamill and Kyle Gass 2.0.
amymartin2323 (2 months ago) Jim Harino must be too lazy to create a female account.

This proves that he is a sexist for not doing that.
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