amymartin2323's Channel
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Recent Activity
amymartin2323 James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) must be secretly bringing the same false relationship rumors about me the whole time. He is now accusing me of dating my associates even more whenever he mentions me on his crappy comments/videos out of them. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 Are the Jim Harino allies (including James Bonchano) seriously done treating me and my associates to be different nowadays? I only said since they never stop accusing me of creating sock accounts nonstop. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 It seems like the Jim Harino allies aren't calling us "the Amy Martin allies" anymore. Well IDC anyways, they know nothing about our ally group name and they should deal with that. Oh wait! I already disbanded this shitty ass group for good because I'm done leading them for good anyways. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sarahmurphy1105 (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 day ago)
Channel Comments (122)
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) I told you several times to STFU about me.
amymartin2323 (4 weeks ago) Nice to see old friends from our ally group to be back on MeWe. After 4 months.
amymartin2323 (4 weeks ago) Once Alessandro Muto's 22nd Birthday hits on 23rd of this month (which is 1 day in my area), you already know what clips we should use on him during his upcoming birthday.
amymartin2323 (4 weeks ago) We're close to ruin Alessandro Muto's 22nd Birthday.

This will be karma against him for all of the shits he has done to me. Causing some false accuser from a certain group to repeatedly slander me nonstop by including me onto one of his already-deleted videos about the former back in October of last month.

This Italian mafia father of Wilson Anderson is the main reason why my life has been even more miserable because of his stupidity.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Alessandro Muto (Wilson Anderson's father) secretly betrayed me in the past the whole entire time.

No wonder why I cut ties with that Italian mafia since May.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) One day, I'll find the way to make Jim Harino and his socks to regret slandering me and my comrades.

Like how I made them regret making the same false relationship rumors about me by calling them lazy.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) As for now, Wilson Anderson (Alessandro Muto's son) is my second worst nemesis.

He is far even worse than Jim Harino.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) James Bonchano is now my officially number one worst nemesis from the Chris Bonchano allies (or should I say the Jim Harino allies) all of the time.

Since he never stops slandering me by making tons of shit comments against me on his VidLii page nonstop.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) When Jim Harino EVER stops harassing me over and over again on his James Bonchano account already?! He has been slandering me over and over again every single day now.

This is July/December 2022 all over again since he won't stop using 8 of his already suspended YouTube accounts to keep harassing me every single day with the same false relationship rumors with it.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) is SO stupid for thinking that 2 of my brothers made the 2 fake Milner accounts when they did NOT and NEITHER do I.

I am fed up with this false accusation making moron. I'm mass flagging his VidLii account once more, starting the new video he uploads recently.
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