amymartin2323's Channel
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Recent Activity
amymartin2323 James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) must be secretly bringing the same false relationship rumors about me the whole time. He is now accusing me of dating my associates even more whenever he mentions me on his crappy comments/videos out of them. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 Are the Jim Harino allies (including James Bonchano) seriously done treating me and my associates to be different nowadays? I only said since they never stop accusing me of creating sock accounts nonstop. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 It seems like the Jim Harino allies aren't calling us "the Amy Martin allies" anymore. Well IDC anyways, they know nothing about our ally group name and they should deal with that. Oh wait! I already disbanded this shitty ass group for good because I'm done leading them for good anyways. (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sarahmurphy1105 (1 day ago)
amymartin2323 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 day ago)
Channel Comments (122)
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) be like: "aMy mArTiN sOcK" "tHey cAn't eVeN dO tHeIr oWn bEcAuSe hE/sHe/tHeY iS/aRe sOcKs bY aMy mArTiN" and "aMy mArTiN cAn't mAkE eVeN hEr oWn fLaThEmEs vIdEoS aT aLl"

When will this false accuser ever learn to STFU with the same words about me already? He is so annoying as fucking hell.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) It's about time you go after my associates (except for 5 of those at the end of this video) for once.

Still, STFU with your false allegations about me and your complain over your FlashThemes videos getting stolen already.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) @JamesBonchano Stupid Initial D fetish who is a sock of Jim Harino.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) @JamesBonchano STFU with your complain over your FlashThemes videos getting stolen already, Jim Harino sock.

BTW, I'm using a hate FlashThemes icon out of you for my main VidLii account since you did the same thing.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) Currently using the hate FlashThemes icon of James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) on main VidLii account.

I'm sick of him and his false allegations against me.
JamesBonchano (3 weeks ago) You are a brain dead moron for using that Nazi sock account of yours to illegally reupload 2 of my latest FlashThemes videos, you fucking no life thief.

Unoriginal creator piece a shit like you don't know how to make your own videos on FlashThemes, but to vaguely steal every single one of my FlashThemes videos.

Garfield fetish.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) Keep wasting your time torturing me on your James Bonchano account over and over again nonstop, Jim Harino.

One day, your false allegations against me won't last long as I will make you to regret slandering me by doing something that you really hate the most.

Like how I made you regret bringing the same false allegations against me by calling you lazy last year.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) But however, I'm still finding any ways to trigger Jim Harino and his socks just so they would regret slandering me continually.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) Seems like Jim Harino and his socks aren't being affected over being called lazy anymore...

No matter what I still called them that, they're not even pissed off like they did last time.
amymartin2323 (3 weeks ago) Alessandro Muto deserves nothing for his birthday.
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